Parameter | Required | Valid Options | Default | Description |
idIMDB | Yes | IMDB Id or TMDB Id of movie. Attention: not all Id of Imdb are returned | ||
format | No | json | json | Format in which the data is returned |
language | No | en, es, fr, zh... | en | Language for some results |
alternativeTitles | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the alternative titles |
credits | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the cast and crew information |
images | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the images (posters and backdrops) |
keywords | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the plot keywords |
releases | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the release date and certification information by country |
videos | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the videos (trailers, teasers, clips, etc...) for a specific movie id |
translations | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the translations |
similar | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the similar movies |
reviews | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the reviews |
lists | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the lists that the movie belongs to |
Code | Message |
505 | Limit reached |
507 | You have reached the maximum of requests in seconds |
513 | Invalid token |
515 | Option disabled temporaily |
517 | This IP has used another token |
999 | Internal Error |
Parameter | Required | Valid Options | Default | Description |
movieName | Yes | Title of movie(s) | ||
format | No | json | json | Format in which the data is returned |
searchYear | No | 0 | Year of the movie | |
language | No | en, es, fr, zh... | en | Language for some results. |
includeAdult | No | 0, 1 | 1 | Include adult titles in the search |
page | No | 0, 1, 2... | 0 | The page of results to return. 0 to get the default (first page) |
Code | Message |
505 | Limit reached |
507 | You have reached the maximum of requests in seconds |
513 | Invalid token |
515 | Option disabled temporaily |
517 | This IP has used another token |
999 | Internal Error |
Parameter | Required | Valid Options | Default | Description |
movieName | Yes | Title of movie(s) | ||
format | No | json | json | Format in which the data is returned |
searchYear | No | 0 | Year of the movie | |
language | No | en, es, fr, zh... | en | Language for some results. |
includeAdult | No | 0, 1 | 1 | Include adult titles in the search |
page | No | 0, 1, 2... | 0 | The page of results to return. 0 to get the default (first page) |
Code | Message |
505 | Limit reached |
507 | You have reached the maximum of requests in seconds |
513 | Invalid token |
515 | Option disabled temporaily |
517 | This IP has used another token |
999 | Internal Error |
Parameter | Required | Valid Options | Default | Description |
id | Yes | Some external Id allowed by Tmdb | ||
externalSource | Yes | imdb_id, freebase_mid, freebase_id, tvdb_id, tvrage_id | imdb_id | Supported external sources: Movies: imdb_id People: imdb_id, freebase_mid, freebase_id, tvrage_id TV Series: imdb_id, freebase_mid, freebase_id, tvdb_id, tvrage_id TV Seasons: freebase_mid, freebase_id, tvdb_id, tvrage_id TV Episodes: imdb_id, freebase_mid, freebase_id, tvdb_id, tvrage_id |
format | No | json | json | Format in which the data is returned |
language | No | en, es, fr, zh... | en | Language for some results |
Code | Message |
505 | Limit reached |
507 | You have reached the maximum of requests in seconds |
513 | Invalid token |
515 | Option disabled temporaily |
517 | This IP has used another token |
999 | Internal Error |
Parameter | Required | Valid Options | Default | Description |
idTmdb | Yes | The Movie DB Id | ||
format | No | json | json | Format in which the data is returned |
language | No | en, es, fr, zh... | en | Language for some results |
alternativeTitles | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the alternative titles |
changes | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the changes for a specific movie id |
contentRatings | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the content ratings for a specific TV show id |
credits | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the cast & crew information about a TV series. Just like the website, we pull this information from the last season of the series |
externalIds | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the external ids that we have stored for a TV series |
images | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the images (posters and backdrops) |
keywords | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the plot keywords |
similar | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the similar TV shows for a specific tv id |
translations | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the translations |
videos | No | 0,1 | 0 | Get the videos (trailers, teasers, clips, etc...) for a specific movie id |
Code | Message |
505 | Limit reached |
507 | You have reached the maximum of requests in seconds |
513 | Invalid token |
515 | Option disabled temporaily |
517 | This IP has used another token |
999 | Internal Error |
Parameter | Required | Valid Options | Default | Description |
idTmdb | Yes | The TV serie Id | ||
season | No | Number of season | ||
images | No | Images of season and episodes | ||
format | No | json | json | Format in which the data is returned |
language | No | en, es, fr, zh... | en | Language for some results |
Code | Message |
505 | Limit reached |
507 | You have reached the maximum of requests in seconds |
513 | Invalid token |
515 | Option disabled temporaily |
517 | This IP has used another token |
999 | Internal Error |
Parameter | Required | Valid Options | Default | Description |
idTmdb | Yes | The TV serie Id | ||
season | Yes | Number of season | ||
episode | Yes | Number of episode | ||
credits | No | Get cast, crew and guest_stars | ||
images | No | Images of episodes | ||
format | No | json | json | Format in which the data is returned |
language | No | en, es, fr, zh... | en | Language for some results |
Code | Message |
505 | Limit reached |
507 | You have reached the maximum of requests in seconds |
513 | Invalid token |
515 | Option disabled temporaily |
517 | This IP has used another token |
999 | Internal Error |
Parameter | Required | Valid Options | Default | Description |
id | Yes | Some external Id allowed by Tmdb | ||
externalIds | No | 0, 1 | 0 | Get the external ids for a specific person id |
format | No | json | json | Format in which the data is returned |
images | No | 0, 1 | 0 | Get the images for a specific person id |
language | No | en, es, fr, zh... | en | Language for some results |
movieCredits | No | 0, 1 | 0 | Get the movie credits for a specific person id |
taggedImages | No | 0, 1 | 0 | Get the images that have been tagged with a specific person id |
TVCredits | No | 0, 1 | 0 | Get the TV credits for a specific person id |
Code | Message |
505 | Limit reached |
507 | You have reached the maximum of requests in seconds |
513 | Invalid token |
515 | Option disabled temporaily |
517 | This IP has used another token |
999 | Internal Error |
Parameter | Required | Valid Options | Default | Description |
id | Yes | Collection Id | ||
format | No | json | json | Format in which the data is returned |
language | No | en, es, fr, zh... | en | Language for some results |
Code | Message |
505 | Limit reached |
507 | You have reached the maximum of requests in seconds |
513 | Invalid token |
515 | Option disabled temporaily |
517 | This IP has used another token |
999 | Internal Error |
Parameter | Required | Valid Options | Default | Description |
title | Yes | Collection title | ||
format | No | json | json | Format in which the data is returned |
language | No | en, es, fr, zh... | en | Language for some results |
page | No | 1 | Page results |
Code | Message |
505 | Limit reached |
507 | You have reached the maximum of requests in seconds |
513 | Invalid token |
515 | Option disabled temporaily |
517 | This IP has used another token |
999 | Internal Error |