Parameter | Required | Valid Options | Default | Description |
id | Yes | Identifier of movie or person | ||
forceDownload | No | 0, 1 | 0 | If Id doesn't exists in MyApiFilms, it will try retrieve it. Only works if source is "imdb". Atention: Could be very slow |
includeSeasons | No | 0, 1 | 0 | With value 1 retrieves all seasons. Only valid for series |
source | No | imdb, tmdb, tvdb, freebaseid, freebasemid | imdb | Source of the identifier |
type | No | m, p | m |
m : Indicates that id parameter is a Movie. Only required for tmdb source
p : Indicates that id parameter is a Movie. Only required for tmdb source
format | No | json, xml | json | Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase |
Field | Type | Description |
imdbId | String | Imdb Id |
tmdbId | String | Tmdb Id |
tvdbId | String | Tvdb Id |
freebaseId | String | Freebase Id |
freebaseMid | String | Freebase Mid |
titleName | String | Title of the movie/serie/episode or Name of the person |
type | String | Type of result. The possible values are:M : MovieS : SerieE : EpisodeP : Person |
seasons | JSON | Seasons and episodes of a serie:imdbId (String): Imdb IdtmdbId (String): Tmdb IdtvdbId (String): Tvdb IdfreebaseId (String): Freebase IdfreebaseMid (String): Freebase MidtitleName (String): Title of the episodetype (String): Always will be Eseason (String): Number of seasonepisode (String): Number of episodeparentImdbId (String): Imdb Id of serieparentTmdbId (String): Tmdb Id of serie |
Code | Message |
101 | Format not valid |
102 | Language not supported |
103 | Invalid AKA value |
104 | Invalid Business value |
105 | Invalid Season value |
106 | Invalid Technical value |
107 | Invalid Filter value |
108 | Invalid Exact Filter value |
109 | Invalid Limit value |
110 | Movie not found |
111 | IMDB Id and Title can not be empty |
112 | Incorrect IMDB Id |
113 | Service Unavailable |
114 | IMDB Id and Title can not be filled |
115 | Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors |
116 | Trailer not found |
117 | Title character encoding is not supported |
118 | Too many results |
119 | No results |
120 | Postal code required |
121 | Country required |
122 | Imdb Id required |
211 | Name Id and Name can not be empty |
212 | Incorrect IMDB Id Name |
213 | Name not found |
300 | IMDB is rejecting requests |
505 | Limit reached |
507 | You have reached the maximum of requests in seconds |
509 | Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors |
510 | Not have permission to get parameter |
513 | Invalid token |
514 | Image not available |
515 | Option disabled temporaily |
516 | Not information found |
517 | This IP has used another token |
998 | No parameters informed |
999 | Internal Error |