Runtime and Year become integers instead of strings
actors.biography data appears at the actor level, removing duplicate fields
Movie actors:
actorName => name
urlProfile => urlIMDB
biography.birthName => birthName
biography.height => height => bio
biography.urlPhoto => urlPhoto
biography.urlIMDB => urlIMDB => name
biography.nicknames => nicknames
biography.idIMDB => idIMDB
biography.starSign => starSign
biography.uniqueName => uniqueName (now it is only informed if it is different from the name)
biography.dateOfBirth => bornDeath.birthdate
biography.placeOfBirth => bornDeath.placeOfBirth
biography.dateOfDead => bornDeath.dateOfDead
biography.placeOfDeath => bornDeath.placeOfDeath
biography.filmographies => filmographies
biography.trivia => trivia
inTheaters deletes openingThisWeek and inTheatersNow
In movies and actors, simpleImages and fullImages become simply photos
Changed date format in the episodes (from dd MMM. YYYY to YYYYMMdd). And change of structure (before seasons => episodes, now seasons => seasonsBySeason/seasonsByYears => episodes)
Added multi search for: idImdb, title, idName, name, idCompany and company. Now it can be specified:
Requires a donation
Changed Comming Soon, the field data.inTheaters for data.commingSoon
Added XSD validators in The names of XSD are: myapifilms_moviesIMDB_V1.0.xsd, myapifilms_moviesInTheatersComingSoonIMDB_V1.0.xsd and myapifilms_namesIMDB_V1.0.xsd
Fixed videoURL field in trailer
Version 1.17.2 (2015-02-26)
Fixed problem with seasons in some series
Removed suspension points of character
Version 1.17.1 (2015-01-31)
Fixed bug when an actor has no photo
Version 1.17 (2015-01-30)
urlPhoto now retrieves link of name page, instead of biography