New Imdb API: MyApiMovies

New API centered on Imdb, faster, lighter and with different endpoints to recover the different data of movies, series or actors. We recommend that you visit MyApiMovies

About MyApiFilms

MyApiFilms is a page that offers you, free of charge, the possibility of easily retrieving information about films and actors through RESTful from sources such as Imdb or The Movie Database (TMDb). You can also use the specific API TheTVDB to recover data about series and episodes. Are you interested in trailers? No problem, we also have a specific API for this: Trailer Addict. You even have an API available for an adult audience with Adult Film Database. Finally you have a utility called "Searcher & Converter" to get the different movie identifiers and actors in different web pages.

API limits
- Maximum requests per day: 2000
- Maximum 5 requests every 10 seconds
- Server time: 2025/03/11 05:16:01


Feature Description Price Donate
Wordpress Plugin Info 5 euros Instant access
8000 requests Info 5 euros Instant access
Imdb Photos Info 10 euros Instant access
Imdb Link images Info 5 euros Instant access
Imdb search option Info 5 euros Instant access


Feature Description Price Donate
Imdb search option with parameters of movies and actors. First you must get "Imdb search option" Info 10 euros Instant access
Imdb bulk search (searches with more than 1 IdImdb, title, IdName...) Info 10 euros Instant access
Showtimes Info 10 euros Instant access


Feature Description Price Donate
Get the external Ids of a movie or a person. Also you can get all IdImdb from a serie. Test it Info 10 euros Instant access

MAF Server

Feature Description Price Email
20.000 request + Basic (except "Imdb Photos" feature) + Advanced + Time limit disabled + Search with limit > 1 and actors / seasons. Trailer Addict API and SAC API don't included Info 35 euros email
60.000 request + Basic + Advanced + Time limit disabled + Search with limit > 1 and actors / seasons. Optionally: SAC API (10 euros) Info 55 euros email
100.000 request + Basic + Advanced + Cache + Time limit disabled + Search with limit > 1 and actors / seasons. Optionally: SAC API (10 euros) Info 70 euros email
* All donations are monthly

Link images

You can link the images of movies and actors with MyAPIFilms. Only need a token and do a donation. Then, you get a temporal link to use it in your web or application. Gettting a link will count as a request. However, once the name of the image has been served, requesting the image woun't count as a request. If you want more information, you can send an email to


How Works

- Make a request to{idImdb}, where {idImdb} is the Movie or Actor id. For example:<YOUR_TOKEN>

- If you want, you can specify the size of the image adding the parameter &fullSize=1

- You will get a response like this: {"data":{"link":"g9seio9edd9p7nm76ntimguch1.jpg","expires":"2025/03/11 05:16:01"},"about":{"version":"2.51.1"}}

- Use the link field to get the image:{link}:

- The field expires indicates when the link will not be accessible any more

Latest changes

Imdb Api
The Movie Db Api
Sac Api
Trailer Addict Api
Adult Film Db Api
TvDb Api
Imdb Api
The Movie Db Api
Trailer Addict Api
Adult Film Db Api
TvDb Api
Sac Api
Special access for requests made from any Wordpress plugin
8000 requests per day
Get photos of movies and actors
Get links of images of the movies poster and actors
Get access to 'search' option in Imdb API
Add parameters of titles in 'search' option
Add some ids, titles, etc, as 'idImdb=tt0903747&idImdb=tt2395427'
Get showtiemes of movies
Gets alternate Ids of Imdb, Tmdb, TvDb and Freebase selecting one of them as source <br /> Also, you can filter series by seasons and episodes <br /> <b class='red-text'>Important: This feature is limited to 200 requests per day, included in daily limit (2000 requests). That is to say, you will have 1800 requests for all API's, and 200 requests to SAC API, or 1900 requests for all API's, and 100 requests to SAC API. The total limit of requests is 2000.</b>
Get until <b class='green-text'>20.000 requests</b> per day, basic and advanced features. <br /> Moreover, time limt in request is <b class='green-text'>disabled</b> and you can search <b class='green-text'>more than one</b> title with biography / seasons enabled
Get until <b class='green-text'>60.000</b> requests per day, basic and advanced features. <br /> Moreover, time limit in request is <b class='green-text'>disabled</b> and you can search <b class='green-text'>more than one</b> title with biography / seasons enabled <br /> <b class='red-text'>SAC API It is paid separately (10 euros)</b> and limit is <b class='green-text'>200 requests per day</b>
Get until <b class='green-text'>100.000</b> requests per day, basic and advanced features <br /> Moreover, time limit in request is <b class='green-text'>disabled</b> and you can search <b class='green-text'>more than one</b> title with biography / seasons enabled <br /> <b class='red-text'>SAC API It is paid separately (10 euros)</b> and limit is <b class='green-text'>200 requests per day</b>
Imdb Api
The Movie Db Api
Sac Api
Trailer Addict Api
Adult Film Db Api
TvDb Api
Imdb Api
The Movie Db Api
Trailer Addict Api
Adult Film Db Api
TvDb Api
Sac Api
Special access for requests made from any Wordpress plugin
8000 requests per day
Get photos of movies and actors
Get links of images of the movies poster and actors
Get access to 'search' option in Imdb API
Add parameters of titles in 'search' option
Add some ids, titles, etc, as 'idImdb=tt0903747&idImdb=tt2395427'
Get showtiemes of movies
Gets alternate Ids of Imdb, Tmdb, TvDb and Freebase selecting one of them as source <br /> Also, you can filter series by seasons and episodes <br /> <b class='red-text'>Important: This feature is limited to 200 requests per day, included in daily limit (2000 requests). That is to say, you will have 1800 requests for all API's, and 200 requests to SAC API, or 1900 requests for all API's, and 100 requests to SAC API. The total limit of requests is 2000.</b>
Get until <b class='green-text'>20.000 requests</b> per day, basic and advanced features. <br /> Moreover, time limt in request is <b class='green-text'>disabled</b> and you can search <b class='green-text'>more than one</b> title with biography / seasons enabled
Get until <b class='green-text'>60.000</b> requests per day, basic and advanced features. <br /> Moreover, time limit in request is <b class='green-text'>disabled</b> and you can search <b class='green-text'>more than one</b> title with biography / seasons enabled <br /> <b class='red-text'>SAC API It is paid separately (10 euros)</b> and limit is <b class='green-text'>200 requests per day</b>
Get until <b class='green-text'>100.000</b> requests per day, basic and advanced features <br /> Moreover, time limit in request is <b class='green-text'>disabled</b> and you can search <b class='green-text'>more than one</b> title with biography / seasons enabled <br /> <b class='red-text'>SAC API It is paid separately (10 euros)</b> and limit is <b class='green-text'>200 requests per day</b>